Cold weather, Niagara River heating up!!!

Posted Dec 13th, 2014 in The Fishing Report

Cold weather, Niagara River heating up!!!

steelhead are showing up in great numbers with the conditions finally getting better so is the fishing. Here is James and Payton with a beauty on the mighty niagara...

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  • Niagara Fishing Adventure has become one of our biggest customer events of the year! Customers have started to ask about the next event before the one they are at is over. Our customers love the fishing! Everyone has memories that will last a lifetime. The Captains are exceptional and at the end of the tour they clean all the fish for everyone on their boats. Then to top the event off the Captains put on an amazing lunch with barbequed steaks (melt in your mouth!!) baked potatoes and salad. It is the perfect combination and it is a great finish to an already great day!! I personally need to thank Captain Aldo, he is the owner operator and the person responsible for this fantastic event. The Captains are all amazing however there has been a bit of a competition and everyone seems to want to be on Aldo’s boat. The only drawback is there is only one Captain Aldo. We started with 4 boats our first year and this year we are chartering 11 boats. We still have too many customers wanting to attend this event. I think we are going to have to book even more boats next year. Our vendor partners sponsor the boats and every vendor that participates keep coming back year after year. And, after hearing the success of our event many of our other vendors are asking to participate too. This event is not only a wonderful adventure it is a huge relationship building opportunity on many levels. For us to our Vendors, for our Vendors to our customers, for my team to both vendors and customers and the one that was most surprising was the networking between our customers. The steak dinner after the fishing is a perfect finish and everyone seems to really enjoy the entire day. This event’s value far exceeds the investment in time and money. We value most of what we do based on ROI and ROE, return on investment and return on effort. This event has high ROI and ROE! This event has created many life long memories for our team, our customers and our vendor partners! Thank you Captain Aldo and all the Captains!!!!